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You may pay a parking ticket, request an in-person hearing, contest/mitigate a parking ticket by written statement, or purchase a permit.

How to File a Written Statement

Spokane Municipal Court
Parking Violations
1100 W Mallon Avenue
Spokane, Washington 99260

After filling out the written statement, save the pdf, using the following naming convention: Ticket # - Last Name - Statement to Contest or Mitigate. After saving the written statement, email the file to

Ticket Questions and Information Contact Municipal Court at (509) 625-4409 or

Permit Questions and Information Contact Parking Services Parking Permits at (509) 625-6830 or

Contest - You would like to challenge the ticket. You did not commit the infraction. The City will have the burden of proving, by a preponderance of the evidence, that the infraction was committed. You may subpoena witnesses including the person who issued the notice of infraction. For questions and information on subpoenas, contact Municipal Court.

Mitigate - You admit you committed the parking infraction; however, you want to explain the mitigating circumstances and are only asking the court for a reduced penalty. The court may allow payment arrangements and may reduce the penalty.

Contest or mitigate by written statement - will be reviewed by a judicial officer and a decision will be made. Once a decision is made, the court will mail you a copy of the decision with a date to return payment if applicable. Note: per IRLJ 3.5.4 there shall be no appeal permitted. There shall be no appeal from a decision on written statements.